Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How should a person be Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How should a person be - Essay Example Many religions teach the followers that god is present everywhere that’s what omnipotent means. Among the different religions there are many meanings of the word omnipotent, for some it means that god can do anything for anyone who leads the right life, life which is free from sins. This also means that if god says something will happen it will happen. God will make sure that it happens because ever step taken by god is right and every step has logic behind it. This can be better understood with the help of an example, in Christianity if a person lives a holy life or for that matter in any other religion if a person lives a holy life he/she is entitled to eternal life and god will grant it if the person really deserves it. â€Å"There is nothing that God cannot do except that which goes against His nature. God alone has the power to conquer sin and death. He even created Satan who disobeyed and fell; therefore, He has power over him. He promised to give us the power to overco me him that is in the world.† (God is Omnipotent). If there is god then there has to something negative because where is positive there has to be a negative to counter the positive. That position is occupied by the Saturn and the Saturn tempts the people to do wrong things in other words the Saturn is the evil which makes sure that people do not follow the path of god. The temptation of the Saturn is very difficult to resist and most people fall to that temptation and ignore the path of god. This leads to chaos in the world. All the undesirable activities like suicide bombings, murders, theft etc are done by people who get tempted by the Saturn. When the evil tempts people it makes sure that people forget everything which is good and they incline towards the evil completely. Disagreement If God does exist then why are women getting raped in all corners of the world? If God does exist then why are innocent people being killed all across the globe? These are questions that are e xtremely hard to answer and this also to some extent prove that God does not exist. There are gun and knife crimes all across the world, if God has power then why is God not intervening? This is again very debatable, those who believe in God would say that human beings have spoiled the society, can Jesus Christ come time and again and save the world? These activities have been going on for too long now and it is time for human beings to realize that they have caused damage beyond repair. It is time to repair that damage by stopping criminals from committing crimes and by punishing the criminals who have been repeat offenders, this is the need of the hour and it needs to be done right away otherwise it all looks doom and gloom. The crime rate has crossed every limit in the world, there are criminals roaming freely and attempting to commit even more crimes, why is God not able to stop these criminals? These are very debatable questions. A superpower in God must be able to stop this me nace but this has hardly happened, God needs to play a more active role when it comes to making the world a better place to live in otherwise more and more people will become atheists and will start denying the existence of God. The temptation of evil can be overcome by following the right path of god. But the case becomes very complicated because

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